"Nothing is impossible for You."
Thinking about how stubborn I am, I think it's more difficult to take me from pitching a fit about my problems to laughing fully and freely in spite of them.
It's just like a parent with a child. It's easier to give the child food that he likes rather than listen to him scream that he doesn't want what he has. But God, just like parents, patiently encourages us to calm down and enjoy (or at least get through) what's in front of us because it will be better for us in the long run.
Sometimes it's easy to think that God doesn't do the impossible in my life. He hasn't supplied all of my college tuition, done my homework for me, or even given me more hours in a day so I could do it all. He didn't heal my friends of diseases or make my parents stay together like I prayed He would. He didn't bring my grandparents back to life...not even for just a day.
But He has done what seems even more impossible: He has brought me, time after time, to a place where my struggles do not receive the majority of my attention...a place where I can smile and laugh and thank Him despite what He didn't do.